"I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught."
- Winston Churchill

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Vocab 5

Shenanigans: secret or dishonest activity or maneuvering
The three were up to their usual shenanigans planning a prank on the teacher.
Ricochet: a projectile rebounding of a surface
The bullets ricocheted off the wall nearly hitting him.
Schism: a split or division between strongly opposed parties
There is a schism between democrats in republicans
Eschew: deliberately avoid using
He appealed to the crowd to eschew violence
Plethora: A large or excessive amount of something
The iphone six has a plethora of new features (not really)
Ebullient: Cheerful and full of energy
When I see people who are ebullient in the morning it almost makes me angry because I’m always tired.
Garrulous: excessively talkative
Sixth period English is defiantly not garrulous.
Harangue: a lengthy and aggressive speech
Hitler gave many harangues.
Interdependence: the mutual dependence between two things
Technology and the rest of the world are interdependent
Capricious: given to sudden or unaccountable changes in mood or behavior
I can’t stand when people are capricious.
Loquacious: talkative
We already did a word with the same definition I’m not writing a new sentence
Ephemeral: lasting for a very short time
Unfortunately the school day is not ephemeral
Inchoate: Rudimentary
My parking skills are anything but inchoate.
Juxtapose: to put together for contrasting effect
Black and white are often juxtaposed
Perspicacious: having a ready insight and understanding things
Wise men are perspicacious
Codswallop: nonsense
Mungo: cloth made from woven material
The sweater was mungo
Sesquipedalian: characterized by being long
The word sesquipedalian is sesquipedalian.
Wonky: askew
The tower was all wonky
Diphthong: sound formed by two vowels and one syllable


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