"I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught."
- Winston Churchill

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Canterbury Tales Collaborative Story

Today Dr. Preston talked about creating a story where the entire class is the author and we all have different characters and we are supposed to just "see what happens" and make our characters all interact so their stories interconnect. I thought it would be cool to represent this visually in the form of a mindmap. It would make it easier to follow one idea plus it will look cool like a giant web of interconnecting ideas. I found the webapp "Coggle" that is completely free and uses your google account to login. Mindmaps can be shared to have multiple authors and it is visually appealing. I also posted about this on the forums, which if you haven't signed up for yet the link is here (please sign up)


  1. Hey Joey! I haven't received an invitation yet, I'm thinking that its because I gave a non- gmail account. Please send me an invitation to this email: l25pliego@gmail.com. Thank you! (:

  2. Thanks for letting me know! I just added you
