"I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught."
- Winston Churchill

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Vocab 2

Accoutrement- additional items of dress of equipment, or other items carried or worn by a person, or used for a particular activity
The fishermen arrived with all their accoutrements.
Apogee- the highest point in the development of something
Many people say the apogee of their education is high school graduation but I think that’s wrong.
Apropos-very appropriate to the situation
It is very apropos to have students use vocab in a sentence when trying to learn in it.
Bicker- argue about petty and trivial matters
Shailynn and I bicker constantly
Coalesce- come together and form one mass or whole
The crowds in Ferguson coalesced to try to show their discontent with the police.
Contretemps- an unexpected and unfortunate occurrence
Dropping his phone in the pool was a contretemps.
Convolution- a coil or twist, especially in a confusing way
Our DNA is a convolution of amino acids.
Cull- select from a large quantity, taking away non essential elements
He culled the herd
Disparate- essentially different in kind, not allowing comparison
Open source learning is very different to other classes but not completely disparate.
Dogmatic- inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true
He was dogmatic and ignored everyone else at the conference.
Licentious- promiscuous and unprincipled
Many may call someone who is licentious a pioneer others call them rude.
Mete- dispense or allot justice, a punishment or harsh treatment
The judge mete the criminal.
Noxious- harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant
Tear gas is said to be noxious.
Polemic-a strong verbal written attack on someone or something
I don’t want to have to give Dr. Preston a polemic, but it doesn’t seem like he’s helping Jacob and I get the word out about the forum very well.
Populous- having a large population; densely populated
New York City is populous.
Probity- the quality of having strong moral principles’; honesty and decency
Heroes are supposed to exemplify probity
Repartee- conversation or speech characterized by quick witty comments or replies
Robin William’s standup comedy is characterized by repartee.
Supervene- occur later than a specified or implied event or action, typically in such a way as to change the situation
It’s annoying when events are supervened
Truncate- shorten by cutting off the top or end
Some people truncate shotguns to make them more lethal.
Unimpeachable- not able to be doubted, questioned, or criticized
People have always viewed teachers as unimpeachable which I think is stupid.

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