"I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught."
- Winston Churchill

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Workload Rant

I felt like I was managing myself fairly well with the whole college thing approaching until English today. It wasn't that English stresses me out, it's that the journal really made me think how I am spending my time and made me realize just how busy I am and suddenly I felt tired and burnt out. Applying for college and scholarships and the stress it causes has concrete research behind it showing that it's overbearing for seniors. So not only do I have that huge weight on my shoulders, but I have the heaviest course load I've had my entire academic career. The classes I'm taking have all seniors in them. The teachers know that I am going through one of the most important processes of life trying to start my adulthood, yet they still assign wayyyyyy too much homework. I have such a long laundry list of things to do it gets to the point where I just have to do them and move not really paying too much attention to quality. On top of this course work load I do a sport that has the biggest time commitment of any other sport. We have four hours of practice and we aren't even in season. On top of this I have to manage my weight outside of practice and even do extra workouts on my own to watch weight. During season we miss a day almost every week for league or tournaments. I have a huge time commitment. I know I put that upon myself and I could just quit, but in reality I can't if I want to stay competitive for college. Wrestling puts me in a leadership position and shows commitment and colleges apparently like to see that. I would busy enough just with wrestling but I also have an extraordinarily heavy course load and the combination of these things is ridiculous, and then college is piled on top of this. Trying to balance school college wrestling and enough sleep is proving to be impossible. The only reason I even have time to write this is because I didn't go to wrestling today. But I wouldn't have to skip if teachers would just back off with the homework and assignments. If all I had was extracurricular activities and college, I would be fine. I would be able to manage and get my sleep. But no. Teachers don't seem to understand what I have to do outside their class for the future of my life. I'm not saying don't assign any homework I'm just saying take it easy until college app's are done. Please

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree Joey college items are hard enough, not to mention everything else we have to do including sports, clubs, and volunteering. What time do people actually think we have? Umm not enough. And then they tell us you need enough sleep? Hahaha there is no time because they give you too much to handle at once.
